HELP! Questions that I need opinions on.

Hailey • HHS Grad. 26. Happily Married. 😘 04-01-2014. The best in life is what you work for not pay for. ✌🏻 Mommy to a rainbow baby🌈
Ok so I've noticed that I've been kinda weird lately. I've been eating food I never eat like salsa. Salsa used to make me want to throw up now it's all I want. I get angry so easily it's unreal. You can tell me you didn't get me the right shampoo and I'll explode on you. I've noticed a little weight gain and I had to go buy new pants because I can't fit my old ones anymore. And I pee almost every two hours with a full bladder and I don't drink that much water or tea. I take small sips throughout the day at work but not enough to make me pee that much. And no matter what I eat I have absolutely horrible heartburn. Which scares me because three of these were symptoms for my mother when she was pregnant. I know every pregnancy is different and the only way to know 100% certainly that I am is to take a test but before I go that far I just want some opinions on what could be going on.