24 hour Birth Story!
Last Friday I had went in for my (almost) 39 week appointment and was told my cervix was think and I still wasn't dialated at all. I went home disappointed and scared they'd probably have to induce me soon and we wanted a completely natural birth.
Sunday I went to a museum with my family and hubby and that sure did kick start things. I started contracting but I knew they were just braxton hicks because of how far they were.
2:30am my contractions were about 5 and 6 minutes apart making it hard to sleep. My hubby woke up at 4 noticing I was in pain. He ran me a bath and fed me and we tried to go back to sleep convinced it was another false alarm.
8:30 am contractions were approximately 1-3 minutes apart but were not consistent and my nurse told me to just drink some water and lay down because Braxton Hicks go away with hydration.
11am hubby got the phone call on his job that we should go to the hospital and at least get checked out
12pm we arrived at the hospital but were only 1cm dilated and my cervix was still thick. We were thinking we would be going back home in an hour so we didn't get our hopes up.
1pm to everyone's surprise I had progressed to 3cm and cervix about to bust we got moving into a room and I began to walk around to bust my water naturally
3pm I made it to a 6! And was super excited that I was doing my birth plan so well. I wasn't in the worst pain ever so I just kept walking. I then lost my mucus plug and about 20 minutes later my water broke. I was so happy about how fast everything was going.
6pm I was at a stretchy 6 almost 7 and contractions were getting real.
8pm I was still at a 6 and the doc gave me a choice of a epidural to see if my body could relax to a 10 or a c-section. I was devastated that I had to let my plan of doing it natural go but I knew he was stuck and so I picked epidural and it was quite a relief.
12 am I had finally made it to a 10! I was so proud of myself and was soo happy to start pushing and meet my little man! Hubby helped so much and I was happy at first but then the worst happened...
2am I had not made any progress.. my little man was stuck and was facing up. My nurse wanted to flip him but he was too high up for that or any other assistance... we tried position after position until I was completely worn and my only option was c-section.
2:26am June 13th sweet little Michael Isaiah was born at 8 pounds 12 ounces and 20.5 inches! Head full of hair and was absolutely perfect! Hearing his first cry made everything worth it and my world is now complete! Me and daddy are completely in love! Welcome to the world little guy! Our first born was everything I could have imagined!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.