confession time! have to get this off my chest

I lost my virginity at midnight on a freaking basketball court. (You don't have to tell me that's shitty lol). He didn't believe I was a virgin even though I'd told him numerous times. He legitimately was like, "Oookay, a virgin? Yeah riiight. We can play this game" (spoiler alert: wasn't a game). He wasn't gentle and went so hard he actually tore my vagina. Blood EVERYWHERE. He freaked out about the blood (which we only noticed afterwards) but I laughed at him for being a lil bitch about it.... Trying to make me feel bad for bleeding when he was the one jabbing my insides into oblivion (sorry- graphic). 

Anyways, would that horrible experience make me stop seeing him?? NOPE! I've had 6 more mediocre 5-minute-max sexual experiences with him and have never orgasmed or felt a significant amount of pleasure... he's just really beautiful haha. Has the whole beard and man bun thing going on...  super confident and cocky and has the deepest voice known to man. Lol.

Anyways if anyone has tips on how to stop this cling I have on him, that'd be lovely. 

OK I feel much better now, thanks sisters xxxx 😂😂😂


To be fair, he did ask if I was okay, and then took me home.. Told me that it freaked him out but that he'd get over it. Also forgot to mention that we're not dating and just hooking up. No emotional connections at all besides this STUPID cling (that I am struggling to get past even though his "dick game {is} lethal") 😂


Thanks ladies! No more mediocre sex, this guy is out of my life now. Found someone a lot better