Agree or disagree with new smoking packaging?

Last year I think, the packaging on tobacco and cigarettes changed to 'help' cut down and make smoking less appealing. 
But the pictures they've put on some of the packaging is horrific. Yes clearly they're trying to get their point across but it hasn't worked. People are still smoking. I completely disagree with it, especially the picture with the child with a cigarette in her mouth. 
What if someone's child sees that? They don't need to see an old man half dead on a hospital bed. They've made this the law thinking that smokers will 'wake up and smell the coffee' but we (I smoke) already know the risks. 
Also something else I disagree with is that they've upped the price of tobacco (fair enough) but they also don't sell small packets anymore so smokers are buying even more. It doesn't add up. Opinions? 
(Don't start bashing smokers either we've heard it all before. I know the risks as I've previously said. I'm just asking if you agree or disagree with the packaging and why) 

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