Farther than I thought

Chezney • Wifey, fur momma and mommy-to- be in December🎄
Today was my first offical appt and I got to meet my OB. He asked the normal questions and I mentioned how I had my last period in March and started my bc that month and when April came around I got my BFP (clearly stopped the pill once I found out). He wanted todo a transvaginal ultrasound to see exactly how far I am.... I walked in thinking I was 12w and 2d and him saying "that definitely isn't a 12 week baby"😂😂 turning out I am 15w and 2 days along! Very surprised at that! Making my gender ultrasound appt tomorrow in the next town over (because I can't wait any longer) and waiting on my referral to come in for my 20 week ultrasound and anatomy scan! Needless to say my day was awesome because I got to see the baby, find out I'm about a month further into my pregnancy and heard my baby's heartbeat at a steady 167 💜💙 One happy momma to be!