Answers Please (Positive OPK CD7)


Hi all, newbie here.  My hubs & I decided a months or so ago to start TTC (trying to conceive).

In preparation,  I started taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid immediately. Husband and I continueed to do the deed as usual no brakes including the night before Mirena removal. I had my Mirena taken out 5/ 22 and just waited for my first AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) to visit after 3 1/2 yrs without one.  Also for the 3 1/2 yrs no spotting with Mirena. Pre-Mirena, I think my cycles were 25-28 days.  Anyway, I had some spotting a week and a half after I began taking Prenatal and Folic Acid which lasted a few days and stopped 4 days before Mireana removal.  I had some spotting for a couple days after removal, and stopped. It's important to note that I've been having pregnancies symptoms every day since Mirena removal with the exception of the first two days after removal. I started my AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) or what I think was AF on 6/8 and finished on 6/10. After 6/10 no AF no spotting. On 6/14 after Husdand and I did the deed I noticed bright red blood  stream into toilet and on tissue after wiping but stopped just as soon as it started. Took  OPK (ovulation predictor kit)immediately after out of Curiosity and just for  for the heck of it and came up positive but it's only CD7 I think! Does anyone know of anything that can cause a false positive on an OPK?  I just thought it was strange to get a positive so soon after AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) left....but maybe my cycle is just being irregular after getting my Mirena taken out....thoughts?