Di/di twin boys - 35 wk delivery

I delivered my twin boys on June 14th at 35 + 0. They are both doing amazing. They needed about 10 minutes help breathing in the nicu but other than that & maintaining their own body temp they are great. Baby A (left) was 5lb 5oz. Baby B (right) was 4lb 10oz. 
Nearly 3 weeks ago they diagnosed our baby B with growth restriction and his Doppler readings were high. We learned after delivery, he actually had the bigger placenta. 
My goal was a vaginal delivery, while A was head down B was transverse (sideways). I had an amazing medical team prepared to do a breech extraction but there was no need. I delivered baby A a little over an hour after my water was broken and baby B followed a quick 3 minutes later - head first. 
Anything can be done Mamas. 
My handsome little fellas. 💙💙