Di/di twin boys - 35 wk delivery

I delivered my twin boys on June 14th at 35 + 0. They are both doing amazing. They needed about 10 minutes help breathing in the nicu but other than that & maintaining their own body temp they are great. Baby A (left) was 5lb 5oz. Baby B (right) was 4lb 10oz. 
Nearly 3 weeks ago they diagnosed our baby B with growth restriction and his Doppler readings were high. We learned after delivery, he actually had the bigger placenta. 
My goal was a vaginal delivery, while A was head down B was transverse (sideways). I had an amazing medical team prepared to do a breech extraction but there was no need. I delivered baby A a little over an hour after my water was broken and baby B followed a quick 3 minutes later - head first. 
Anything can be done Mamas. 
My handsome little fellas. 💙💙
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Posted at
Aww so gorgeous 😊 Im 36weeks today with di/di boys and was worried if they were born now they would need nicu. Clearly your boys look amazing and dont need nicu so that gives me hope. Congrats again hun


Roni • Jun 15, 2017
Congratulations! I'm expecting di/di girls in August and I was afraid of preterm labor as well as a vag delivery. You just gave me hope.


Sarina • Jun 15, 2017
thats awesome hun


Ashley • Jun 15, 2017
Thank you. They are doing fantastic. I left them in the nursery over night since I hadn't slept a wink in nearly 48 hours and needed to recover to care for them today. Can't wait to go get them in the morning.


Posted at
Congrats!!! Your boys are adorable! I absolutely love post like yours. I'm currently 34+4 weeks with twins boys, so seeing healthy babies delivered at 35 weeks is relieving. 


Ashley • Jun 15, 2017
Thank you! I had the same concerns so I just want mamas to know it can all be perfectly ok!


Posted at
Congratulations!! They're TWO cute little fellas! Glad hear another positive twin birthing story!


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Ashley • Jun 15, 2017
Thank you.