4 weeks 5 Days and my abdomen is killing me.

Alissa • I like cats, anime, games, sci-fi, and coffee.


These cramps are awful. I'm 4 weeks 5 days approx. Been getting cramps for a week especially if I have to pee.

It's my whole lower abdomen where it would cramp on my period.

Except not cramping as bad as my period lol so I'm pretty sure it's not serious.

So far my symptoms are:

Excess Saliva

Heartburn (yay it flared my acid reflux back up)


Breast Tenderness

Loss of appetite (not nausea just don't have the appetite to eat which is odd for me because I may be small but I can throw down some food)

Peeing A LOT.

Mild annoying headache.

Hands Swelling.



PS: This is baby #1 for me.

What are you experiencing?