when did you tell your parents?

This is my first pregnancy and I'm currently 8weeks. My first doctors appointment isn't until week 10 (2 weeks from now) so I basically don't know anything about baby yet (havnt heart the heartbeat, havnt seen it, havnt taken any genetic tests, etc). Although I have all the syntoms and feel pretty safe in my pregnancy (I've told tons of close girlfriends) i havnt told my parents yet and I feel so bad. But they like 10,000miles away (IM in Los Angeles and they are in barcelona Spain) so I don't want them to worry. I wanted to wait until right after my doctors appointment, so they don't suffer and I tell them when I know all is perfect. But I'm also debating weather I should tell them before then or not, as I feel like I'm hiding something so important for so long.... and feel like I'm lying to them sometimes! What would you do? When did you tell your parents about the 1st baby? Anyone far away from them while preggo? It's hard I just don't want to make them suffer!