Panic attack?

So I'm currently in Grade 10 and at the start of the year I decided I wanted to learn to play piano, so I chose music as one of my subjects and I have been getting good at it so far. Well for music assessment, I have to choose a song, learn it and then perform it infront of a couple of my friends and my teacher who is filming me. Today was my day to perform and for some reason I just can't. I sat down at the piano chair with my friend beside me as I was already breathing really fast and my teacher told me to start playing because she pressed the record button. I got three chords in and I started crying, my friend says my hands were shaking when I moved them down the next keys. I've never anything like this before and my lovely teacher said that she was worried about me and allowed me to perform either Friday or Monday. Is there anyway to calm myself or just figure out why I'm doing this? 😔