Cramping, feeling nauseous?


Okay, so my husband and I are TTC, but we are not getting too invested into it and stressing because I do not deal with anxiety well, neither does my body. I have severe anxiety, actually, which is why I'm making this post. I think I ovulated around the 8th or 9th, my body temperature and CM could definitely show.. I know when my body ovulates.

Anyways, this is my first month using this app, I have irregular cycles ranging from the average 28/30 days to sometimes up to 50 days... it has been that way my whole life, it's just me. So I basically use this app just hoping I can find some way to see if my cycles have something in common and if I can better track it, because I never have before.

I attached a picture showing when the <a href="">glow app</a> thinks my fertile window is and to show you when I've had sex, and like I said, the 8th going into the 9th is when I am pretty sure I ovulated. I am up at 3 in the morning because I feel so sick to my stomach and I feel a tightening in my lower abdomen... I wouldn't say it's like period cramps, more like a slight gas pain/tingly feeling... could this be a sign of very very early pregnancy? Or what? I am still new to this and I am still becoming educated. Anything would help. This would be my first baby, thank you.

Also!!! One more thing!!! Could any of you tell me when I should take a test? Like I said, my period could come any time from the dates shown to a week or two after...haha. so I'm not sure when would be the best time to test....