tubal ligation

I had my baby on the 30th of may, 3rd baby, 3rd c-section - so was advised to have TL
After my first two babies my milk came in fast and there was plenty. This time, my milk took a week to come in, and it's not enough go to exclusively feed my baby. She wouldn't BF, so I've been pumping. I pump every two hours, it's been two weeks, and my supply isn't increasing. After looking online I found TL can cause decreased milk supply, among a host of other crap they don't tell you about. I feel like I put too much trust in my doctor regarding the TL. 
My question is, did anyone have TL during c section and have this problem? How did you fix it? Medication? Other ways? I have bought a hospital grade pump, the pump is amazing, but it cannot pump what's not there. 
Just looking for some advice, getting stressed out and feel like giving up on trying to EBF her