Friendly Reminder

Jamie • BLESSED! I love my God, my husband, my kids and my country. Life is good!
Just because some women can do certain things with no issues, does NOT make them safe. 
Yes, some women can check their cervix with no problem. Others end up with a vaginal infection or early labor. 
Yes, some women can take castor oil and be fine. Others will hurt their baby due to placental abruption or defecating in the womb.
Yes, some women can do illegal drugs because they can't abstain for 9 short months. Other women hurt, kill or lose their children to CPS.
The list goes on...
My point is this- it's YOUR body, YOUR baby and YOUR choice. But please consider the possible consequences to your decisions. Always speak with your doctor/midwife before doing such things- taking meds, trying home induction methods, etc...
And for those of you you who recommend dangerous things to other women 'because you never had an issue', please remember that you're not a doctor and probably aren't qualified to suggest this way. I'm glad you managed to be ok but some women aren't so lucky. Just PLEASE think these things through. 
Good luck and happy pregnancies to all of you.