Abdominal/Head circumference measurements

Hi, I just wanted to quickly share my experience with my 20 week anatomy scan, as well as a 28 week scan I just had done today. At my 20 week scan, my little girl looked healthy apart from her abdomen measuring 2 weeks ahead of her head. The doctor really freaked me out, telling me that it "could be a sign of a growth problem or some type of syndrome". Dr said she wanted me to have another scan at 28 weeks to asses baby again. Went today for that scan and thank God, she was measuring perfectly symmetrical and right on track at 28 weeks. 
I just wanted to share this because for the last 4 weeks I have been so worried. When I looked on here for people who had similar situations I couldn't find much. So, if your Dr is telling you there's something wrong with your baby's growth, try not to worry too much. It is totally possible for things to even out later on!