
I have been worried... Last year in may I took an overdose and was rushed into hospital and got told it was in my blood stream, I was given this awful drip thing which made me puke every minute of every hour for two days.. The doctor said that I could have long term damage and might struggle having children for damaging my body.. I want to know signs of not being able to have children? I know I shouldn't be worried about it at my age as I am 17 but I want to know if I can't have kids now rather when I want a family... When I've had unprotected sex with my boyfriend I have never ever fallen pregnant and it's been making me think.. and I feel really shit because all I want when I am in my twenties is to have children... it's honestly killing me, I just want to know now😶😶
Please don't give me shit it took me a lot to actually reach out and ask for help and advice😅