"powerful" women are ruining relationships

Alex • 🌬
Okay okay this is a big rant and many won't agree but this is just my thought.
With all this feminism and empowered women stuff I feel as though women keep focusing on being independent and "do everything on their own" that it's kind of straining relationships and making things suck for men. Before you go crazy on me 😂 here's an example: 
A man quits his job for his girlfriend because she says it's too dangerous. Everyone's thinking " awww that's so sweet he must really care about her. That's such a great boyfriend. He really listens."
BUTTTT if a women quit her job for her boyfriend people don't think that. They think "he's such a bad man to make her do that. As a women she should do what she wants. This is wrong on so many levels."
All I'm saying is .... the same way a man does things for a women... a women should too. 
This empowered women stuff is just ughhh getting in the way of women doing things for men 
Like when a guy offfers to help a women with something and women are like "I can do it myself. Just cuz I'm a women you think I can't do it ?" 
Like please get over it and let him help you. 
Relationships are taking a toll cuz of this shit. 😂😂 ik many won't agree with this but comment what you think