
I'm 26 weeks pregnant. My boobs started leaking about 3 weeks ago. It started off just a little, kind of made my bras wet I wasn't thinking and went braless around the house and it got a bit on my shirt. But now it's like pouring out, clear liquid? I was laying down last night on my side and thought there was a hair tickling my arm, I looked and my whole arm was wet, my top soaked, my bra and pad soaked through. It was everywhere. I was so embarrassed my fiancé assured me I'm fine but is that normal? Is colostrum clear? I had to change clothes, change the sheets... this morning I woke up covered again. If I don't wear a bra it seems to stop for the most part but I can't go braless at work, of course. Is there a better way to control it? I can't leak at work. I wear breast pads but I'm soaking through those within a matter of an hour now. Help?