what exactly do I do on bedrest lol ?

My doctor told me I can't return back to work which is fine, but she also said I don't have to be chained to my bed 24/7. 
there's not really much to do around here but shower and use the bathroom, my husband will cook and do laundry etc lol And I have everything I need in my bedroom.
 The only thing I would love to do is clean but when I clean I CLEAN & my husband doesn't clean like me so I haven't figured that part out yet and it's killing me.
 I want to go get a mani/pedi & get my hair done next week. my hair lady's salon is literally around the corner (thank god) but my nail lady is a few blocks away (maybe 6 or 7 blocks) is it okay for me to walk there?or maybe take a cab to and from? I don't get my car until the end of next month.
I'm trying my best to stay seated and stay in bed I'm 27 weeks and I don't know what exactly to do but I would hate to overexert myself more than I already have, any tips for mommys who are on bedrest or was in a previous pregnancy?