
Here's my list of symptoms. Cycles are irregular. Monitoring bbt, opk and cm. Bbts are "low" and checking opks twice a day. All negative. Some progression in darkness but all negative. Cm is mostly creamy and then really watery for a while. 
Cycle day 45, quit taking opk because I've almost used the box. Went away for the weekend to visit family, didn't temp or take opk. 
Wiped a glob of ewcm and only when I reached up to get it. Glad I did cuz when I went home I took an opk and got my first positive on cycle day 52. BD that day. Cd 53 and got another positive opk. Temps still low. BD again. CD 54 and negative opk and we BD  again. Temps still low. 
After 3 days I got a bbt raise for 4 days. Sore nipples, acne, irritability, weepiness and bloating. 
Ok TWW, bbt drop at 5 dpo- implantation? Estrogen surge? Hmm. 6 dpo bbt still low. 7 dpo temps go up, phew! Temps continue to rise. Boobs don't hurt anymore. Pelvic twinges throughout 2WW, creamy cm. And lots of it. Irritability goes away. Fatigue a lot. Feels better after eating. Carry my water bottle everywhere. Did a moderate workout, feel like I want to barf. Sex drive increase. Bloating still! 
9-10 DPO temps are low again. Tiny bit of brown cm for two days. Do I need a liner? Still feel bloated and sluggish. Moody and teary for the past week. Googling implantation spotting. 
CD 63/ 11 DPO still haven't tested. I feel pain, AF is here. I feel sad but have more energy than all week. Told my husband and he's disappointed too. Onto the next cycle.