am I close to ovularing?

So I need some help. I've been taking the Clear Blue regular ovulation tests and they always pop up with one very clear blue line and the other line being light which I know means it's not detecting an LH surge. So yesterday I bought the advanced one because I feel like you get a better answer? Idk lol and I took one last night and it was the round circle with nothing in it. At maybe 11 a.m. Today I took the advanced one again and it was the flashing smiley face. I was super excited and let the hubby know (; 
But just 8p.m. I took both tests and got the same flashing smiley face but still no difference with the regular one. It says on the box it detects your two most fertile days but when reading the instructions it says that an LH surge means you'll ovulate in the next 36-48 hours. So is the advanced one just saying I'm closeish to ovulation and the regular suppose to say YOU ARE OVULATING very soon...? Ugh ladies. I don't know. I'm kind of on a time frame to get pregnant so I start to psych myself out a lot. HELP.