A new name for me?

My real name is Thandi. It's a real, beautiful Zulu name meaning "love." It's pronounced with a silent 'h' as all Zulu names are and nobody in South Africa has ever made the mistake of pronouncing the "th" sound as in "thanks." I've never thought of this too considering the silent h exists in Theresa, Thomas, Thompson, Thames, Thailand, and Thyme. Not until I moved to the US and everyday of my life people mispronounce my name. Everyday, every doctor's visit, every time I pay with a card, every client I see at work, everyone and everyday. Even if I correct someone they forget the next time they see me and mispronounce it. My beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. It's been four years of hell and it's ruined the name for me. I avoid using it as much as possible. I don't have a middle name and so far I've held out on changing it. It's really hard changing your identity- at least for me it is, I even kept my maiden name upon marriage. However, enough in enough. What is the closest name to Thandi that's a real name (Tandi is just a spelling alteration) and can be universally pronounced? P.S. If you're thinking if giving your child a name with a non-universal spelling consider this post. It's really draining to have to correct the whole world. If it was a made up name I would hate my parents for it, but seeing as I'm one out of millions of Thandis in South Africa, I know they were giving me a good strong name and didn't anticipate on me immigrating.