Light bleeding mid-cycle

Lindsey • TTC baby #1.... over 2 years now & trying to stay positive.
I am currently mid-cycle... just 2 days past when Glow predicted my ovulation was. I've had some light spotting yesterday and today. It started as a brownish discharge and has now turned to a light pink. It's mostly just when I wipe but I did have a little on a panty liner. There was also a little brown blood when we had sex yesterday. Can anyone help me understand why this might be happening? Does this mean my chances of getting pregnant aren't good this month? This is our 2nd month TTC so I'm fairly new to all this. We did have sex 5 days in a row over my fertile days and that was like the first time we've ever done it that many days in a row so could that be contributing to the light bleeding? Thank you in advance!!