could this be the first sign of pregnancy or am I freaking out

So I had sex June 4th. I gave the guy I was with a condom and he put it on but somewhere down the line he took it off and didn't say anything. I didn't notice until he came on my upper pubic area. He got off of me and tried to hide the fact he had taken the condom off. I freaked out. On June 13 I got my regularly scheduled period. It was heavy the first day and calmed down the remainder of the week. My periods only last 5 days so it should have ended June 17. Yesterday there was some light blood when I wiped. I was like whatever about it cause I just assumed it hasn't fully cleared up yet. But today I went to the bathroom and I had a slight blood stain in my underwear and a tiny bit of cramping. Could this mean anything? According to my <a href="">period tracker</a> I should be fertile from the 20th to the 26th and ovulating on the 25th. I don't know if that helps with anything but I'm kinda trying to not freak out too much right now.