bedtime fight

From month 2-4 my baby fell asleep great almost every night. We had a bedtime routine and she fell asleep sometimes before the end of the routine. For the past two months it feels like torture every night. I start bedtime wind down an hour (6pm) before I want her to sleep. Diaper change, feeding, book, massage. Some nights I have a bath before the diaper change. After the bedtime routine and I place her in her bed the scream starts and continues for the next 1-2 hours. she is completely worn out and falls asleep at 8-9. I go in and out of the room to check on her, pick her up, try to soothe her by patting and rubbing her, feed her a bit more. It's exhausting mentally with the crying.  She also use to wake up and eat and fall right back to sleep. Now she wakes up and cries for a hour or two before going back to sleep. I hate and dread bedtime and night time so much.