Carseat Help Please!

Jas • 2017 will be a better year! Working to make my hubby and son proud! #72915

I need some ideas Mommas. My son is quite the little escape artist when it comes to his carseat straps.

As soon as I buckle him in, Hudson will squeeze his arms out from under the harness part and then he pushes the buckle downward so he's free from the waist up. He hasn't figured out the lap buckle part yet, thank goodness.

So, anyway, Hudson can free himself and he's quick! By the time I buckle myself into the driver's seat, he's already freed himself. I try to tighten the buckles. I tried safety pins (so he couldn't push the buckle down) which worked kind of, but the pins would pop and then scratch my son's arms.

I can't keep constantly stopping all the time to re-buckle Hudson all the time as that's impractical. But obviously I can't drive around with him half buckled in his car seat.

Anyone else had this problem? Any tricks to keep him buckled? My little Whodini is a stubborn guy, and HATES being buckled in.

Thanks ladies!