Trying to leave...

I've been in a relationship with my S/O for 2 years and a half. I'm trying to leave because we don't see eye to eye anymore. We movednto Colorado then came back to Texas due to some circumstances. Since then all we do is argue. I left to Mexico for a couple of weeks instead of coming back to Texas I went to California with my family. I found out I was pregnant and I didn't want to go through my pregnancy without my families support. I told my boyfriend to move to California with me he didn't want to. He kept making stupid excuses. I had a miscarriage and I came back to Texas because of what happened. We have just been fighting so much he cheated on me while I was in Mexico knowing that I was pregnant. I just found out a couple of days ago. When I Confronted him he made up lies that it was his friend so I talked to his friends to see if it was true. Everything was a lie. He has tries to manipulate me over and over that he never cheated but I don't believe him so I am doing this behind his back. I told him that I was having family picking me up and he threatened to kick me out. So pretty annoying by that. I've been talking tobmy family they are planning on picking up in a week and after that I think I am moving to Oregon. Or I'm trying to get one of my friends from Colorado to come and pick me up and then get on a plane and move to Oregon.