Help! Period or something else? TMI

Long post please read all. Thank you.

Okay, so I got my normal period on the 11th of this month(June) it lasted until the 15th with slight spotting still on the 16th. Well yesterday 6/19 I noticed the slightest amount of spotting when I wiped (brown and barely anything) then this morning 6/20 there was more spotting but this time a very light pink (again only when I wiped) as the day has progressed it has turned back to a deep reddish brown And now I do have slight cramping but it's still just spotting. I'm just wondering could I be starting another period or could it be something else? Idk if anyone else has experienced something similar or not? Also I should note, my periods are always very regular. I have only experienced more than 1 period a month or any irregularity the month I stopped my BC back in October of 2016. Thank you to anyone who reads, any insight is appreciated!