Lip Tie, discovered later

So my daughter is turning one in a few days and I never noticed it before. I'm 100% sure she has a lip tie. The frenum connects her lip to the gums between her two front teeth. I have had so many issues with breastfeeding and in the beginning it was not obvious she had one. In fact I never really gave much thought because the doctors weren't concerned. They mentioned she was a little on the lighter side and to come in if I was concerned but since she has started solid foods I never really thought her weight was an issue.  She always pulled away suddenly when I try to breastfeed her and never sat still. Sometimes it isn't an issue and she will sit still so again, never thought there was a problem. So now just shy of her first birthday it's obvious she has one. What are my options? She has an appointment in one week so I will bring it up there but for those of you who have had this issue, did you ever notice it this late? I see a lot of moms noticing them within their first few months by no so much closer to their first birthday. Would love some input. How quickly do they heal once treated?