chemical pregnancy and normalcy

I got my BFP on May 23 and ended up having a chemical 5 days later. I kind of could tell something was off because I had awful cramping on and off before I even started bleeding. When I mentioned my symptoms (others included being super gassy, breaking out a lot on one side of my chin [normally, prior to AF, this happens with one pimple, not a whole cluster of them!], and the day before my CP, extremely tender boobs and nipples) to my bestie who has a one year old, she said she never really had cramping besides implantation. 
My doctor had me come in for blood work June 5 and my HCG was low enough to start trying again. She said that if I'm ready emotionally, I am okay physically to start trying. The one question I forgot to ask was about my cycle being regular and ovulation. 😬
My husband and I have been having sex every other day since I stopped bleeding (minus 6/6-6/8, as I was on a girl's trip) and, if I'm pinpointing it correctly, I should be due for AF on 6/24.
Can anyone else tell me about their experience with a chemical pregnancy and ovulation after the fact? Any mamas get a BFP soon after their CP?