stopping birth control pills

I'm so confused with my body!!!
I stopped taking birth control pills back in April, mid-pack because I just felt like I had to - my anxiety was ramping up and I felt like the artificial hormones were the cause. It was dumb to stop mid pack of course but my "period" came pretty much immediately after. 
I know it takes time for hormones to get back to normal (whatever that may be) but how long has it taken other people?
My first real cycle after the withdrawal bleeding lasted 6 dang weeks. we weren't trying at that point so I don't know if/when I ovulated. So far this cycle, I took a bunch of OPKs around when Clue and Glow said I'd be ovulating and I never got a positive OPK. Now my period is due/late (diff apps say diff things) and all of my pregnancy tests have been negative. My BBT is all over the place and I only started tracking last week. 
I'm soooooo bad at just calming down and waiting for my period or something to happen. So over BFNs and confusion about what my body is doing!! Anyone else have similar issues?