honestly can't believe this 😥

So my closet friend wrote to me yesterday to tell me that she is pregnant. This normally wouldn't affect me as I am happy for any new life that comes into this world as I see it as a blessing. But this bothered me a lot because she already has 5 children (the oldest 2 she lost custody of) so she now just has her 2 year old and 10 month old twins. She told me that she is not going to have this baby, that she will have a termination. She also said that she is smoking pot heavily again, yet complains that she never has any money. She smoked pot when she was pregnant with the twins which caused them to be born 2 months early and one of them has a heart problem as a result. 

The way she just told me is what got me, like "hey guess what I'm f**king pregnant again but I'm not keeping it, getting a termination as soon as".  Like that little life is nothing, I understand it's her right but I guess I thought she would have learnt what birth control is by now. 

My SO and I have been TTCing for 4years now and she just makes getting pregnant seem so easy. 

I'm sorry for the rant I just really needed to get it out. 

Update: so I no I posted this a while back but my friend rung me up in tears yesterday because she miscarried. She was still going to have an abortion, she felt like she wasn't allowed to grieve or be upset for losing the baby because she wasn't going to have it anyway. She was still really upset. By now I got over the whole angry phase ages go so I just tired my best to make her feel better. I just hope she goes to the doctor now and gets some proper birth control and takes it seriously.