bullied by my ex and his friends

I was bullied for six months after my ex boyfriend/best friend broke up with me. He and his friends would call me names , make fun of my weight , make fun of my family and just be really horrible. They'd call me names like bauld and four eyes and stuff like that but as for the weight thing I'm not over weight in fact I'm scarily underweight , I've had an eating disorder since I was six years old I'm now 15 and still struggling but it's not as bad now. They'd make fun of my mum , when my ex and I were together I nearly lost my mum 5 times the summer before she had a very serious operation and her heart stopped while they were operating and stopped at least 4 times after they were done , this was 2 months after loosing my auntie after someone killed her. They'd make fun of my mom and my auntie because I told him everything , he'd make fun of my cuts on my wrists and the ones that go up my arm , but after putting up with all of this for 6 months I was finding it hard to keep it in anymore I was having really bad thoughts and was crying myself every night and I finally let it out to my mum about him calling me names and she brought it to the school which is where it would mostly happen , they'd text me too but I ignored it and got rid of the messages so no one could see them. It was fine for a while after but they didn't get anything for bullying me. Nothing. No punishment. They didn't even say sorry. But now 4 months on I'm with a new boy who treats me amazingly and we went to a ball last night where my ex was he was drunk and I was hugging my boyfriend and he kissed me on the cheek my ex boyfriend then spat water at me and tried to hit my boyfriend , I pushed him away and went off with my fella , he followed us and tried to get me back and I told him to go away , I was told I had depression 4 months ago after feeling suicidal for 3 years , the doctor says I'm the way I am now because of the bullying I go to concilling and take tablets. I'm sorry this was so long , my friends didn't even know about the bullying. But the feelings of what I felt before is coming back and I just need help I don't want to go back to the doctor to get told there's something wrong with me , I'm scared. I know I need help I'm just scared , thank you for listening