What do you hate most about EPing?

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

Besides the time suck, for me it's the fact that people don't understand how necessary it is. If I don't pump at certain times, I could get an infection (aka mastitis). If I don't pump enough times during the day or for long enough, my supply will drop and I won't be able to feed my daughter. If I do decide to cut myself some slack during our busy weekends, I have to "pay" for it by going back to pumping every 2hr for the next week. I slacked off this weekend and I'm planning on spending the next TWO weeks doing this (plus power pumping first and last sessions of the day) I feel like most people underestimate just how difficult EPing really is. We've made it 5 months so far and I'm so proud of myself. I feel like I'm the only one who knows and can appreciate the time, effort, and inconvenience I've put in, all to provide MY milk for my daughter.

Enough patting myself on the back, what's the worst thing for you ladies? Vent here! Let's commiserate together! 🤗