Being induced (my choice)

OMG!! So long story short, my first born was a c section with this one I chose to try for a vbac my doctor was fine with it. Well I live in Southern California I'm 38weeks+5 days and it's been 100 degrees so I'm ready to have her out!! I told my doctor last week at my visit if I decide to just go with a another c section would baby be ok? She said baby sounds fine and is measuring ahead, so she will be perfect. I went home spoke to my husband and we decided to go with the cesarean 😬. I didn't dialate with my 1st born and when I went to the hospital last week for contractions I wasn't dialating either. So I got a call from my doctors office this morning that my cesarean is scheduled for Wednesday morning 😱😬😳. I'm so happy to finally have her, but also nervous. Wasn't nervous until now.