Breastmilk Supplements side effects

Hi Mamas! 
My son is 7.5 months and EBP via the bottle with milk I've pumped because he never latched well. (He also eats puréed food I've made him). A few weeks ago, my supply dwindled to the point that I didn't think I'd have enough to feed him so I started taking Fenugreek, brewer's yeast, oatmeal with flaxseed and mother's tea. Now my supply has come back quite a bit (WOOHOO) but I've started to notice some weird side effects and I wondered if any of you had experienced it and if so, for how long? 
My side effects are: my breasts get REALLY hot before I pump. My breasts are HELLA tender now (almost like they were right after giving birth). And now it HURTS to pump, whereas before the supplements, it almost felt good to pump because it was a release of pressure. Now it's painful and I dread pumping.  Since my son REFUSES formula, with a serious passion, I HAVE to continue pumping, through the pain. Have any of you experienced this? Does it go away or is this what I'm looking at dealing with for the next 4.5 months? Help! 
Thanks ladies!