Pregnancy Drama

Okay guys so look I need your help. I have a anatomy scan coming up and I would love for my husband mother and sister to be there so yesterday I spoke to my husband about it asking him how he would feel about it and he just went off on me. The issue is my family and I haven't been talking they don't even know that I'm pregnant then he started to say I'm using the kid for attention and it has nothing to do with that. It would mean a lot to me if the most important people in my life were there. My mother and I have always had a rocky relationship and we didn't always see eye to eye but she's about to be a grandmother she reached out to me not knowing that I was pregnant and we started talking again. Why is he so upset. He literally stormed off and started crying. Saying things like if they violate you again then don't come to me I don't care and how if they go he's not going and since I'm asking them to go with me why don't I just go live with them so they can help me raise the baby and he's just saying a lot of harsh things and I'm just like wow. Then he starts saying things like do you want your child to be like you and go through the things you went through of course not but I would like the support of my family. I'm torn. 😪 Not to mention he has stressed me out this pregnancy just has much as they have so nobody is better than the next person.