Frustrated! Seeking Advice

Cathy • 30, happily married, OB nurse, waiting over a year for my turn!
Has anyone else experienced this? I stopped the pill in February, then my cycles were a little irregular just like they were before I started it 3 years ago. Then last month a had a really long cycle followed by a really short cycle, and now I've been bleeding for 18 days straight! No painful cramps or anything else unusual. I saw my NP over a week ago. My pelvic exam was fine, thyroid blood tests normal. I had an ultrasound 4 days ago and haven't gotten results yet. I'm 29 and I've never been diagnosed with anything abnormal, but I looked up symptoms of PCOS. The only ones I have are oily skin and acne, irregular periods, and recent weight gain (but I'm still in the "normal" range). Maybe the ultrasound report will tell me something, but I'm losing my patience!! Any advice?