Can he get over me easily

My bf of 1 year and half and I broke up Bc his mom wasn't my biggest fan and literally convinced him things wouldn't work (were 17 almost 18). We've broke up once before Bc fighting a lot, but this time things were great. Last time he completely flipped, for a week or two he was so cold and barely talk to me. And he's the same way now. I just wanna be friends at this point, and maybe if things are different in the future then try again idk (which he liked that idea then 4 min later flipped and said we have too much history ??). We almost dated in 9th grade but didn't, but he came back. I'm so scared I lost him forever. I just want him to come back, even as friend. 
We share a friend group, so I'm scared it's gonna be weird. He said it's hard Bc he can't resist me and he feels like it's going to hard to be friends, Bc he thinks we have to date or nothing. Last time we broke up, he even said I look better Bc I'm not his and it's hard seeing me do well. 
If I just keep doing me and try to be ok, do you think it will be harder for him to move on? Because our group always hangs out. I'm so scared he won't come back, and move  on and it will crush me 

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