irregular periods while TTC

Robin • Married💍 dog mom or two huskies🐺 first time mommy 👶🏼💕
Having irregular periods really suck...
For me I can skip one month or even maybe two. I absolutely hate it. I don't want to test because I could end up getting my period next month, or the month after. So far I have not gotten my period this month. I bleed on May 7th and 8th very lightly. But then May 26-31ish I had bleeding again, it started out light, and then went to a medium flow for a few days and then went back to a light flow the rest of the time. I went to a doctor to see why I'm having irregular periods, and they order test for me to test (blood tests) and they all came back normal. Having irregular periods means I don't know when I ovulate, especially since I can miss up to 2 months. It really really sucks because I really really want to be pregnant and have a baby, but it's almost impossible to get pregnant for me until I figure out when I ovulate and why I'm not having periods every month.
I see sooo many people (some are my friends or family) getting pregnant and it makes me upset, because majority of them weren't even trying! And I'm trying and trying, and it's just so frustrating 😩