How much does your baby nap?

Hi ladies, a mummy friend of mine was saying how she hated it when her babies were so young because she'd always have to work her schedule around their multiple naps every day.. It got me wondering how much nap time is normal? My baby girl will usually doze for an hour to an hour and a half any time between 8-10am, then will usually settle in for a 2-3 hour nap between 12-3pm and then be off to bed around 7.30/8pm. At night she normally sleeps 3-4 hour blocks, but she does occasionally sleep 5-6 hours... Do you think I should be getting her to nap more throughout the day? Also, she almost always wakes up as I'm putting her down or soon after putting her down during the day (she's fine at night) so I have to hold her through her naps most of the time. Anybody in the same boat?