thinking of you all...and cycle question

Currently almost 5 weeks post MC...the only thing that's given me a little control is tracking the process and ovulation-which hasn't happened yet! (Not that we are trying this cycle, but ready to get this one over with so we can next time) But the past day or two I've been feeling some pains/pulls on my left side-does anyone get this before you ovulate? How long beforehand is it? Ovulation test isn't showing a positive yet but I feel like something is happening down there.
Thinking of all of you-this process is so much worse than I could have imagined, even for such an early loss (5weeks4 days). One thing that's made me feel a little better is getting a stuffed animal to help us remember our little one-we're planning to give it to our future healthy baby as a gift from its big sibling who never made it. :(