FTM!!!! these people are driving me crazy

I wanna throw my phone out the window. It's like every two seconds somebody is calling me telling me what to do and what not to do and what my baby needs and what she doesn't need and it's fucking stressful!!!! 
Like I'm gonna take care of her, she's gonna be fine!! I love her !!! I will make sure she's fine. I don't think they (my family) understand what I went through this entire pregnancy, the toll it is taking on my mind and body etc... I appreciate the support and the love I really do but it's like give me a fucking break and let me breathe or else I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
My child is in the NICU! my baby came a whole almost 3 months early & im still Handling myself well, I'm still doing what I have to do for her and it's still my baby! Everyone feels like they know what's best for her besides me...
Sorry I just needed to vent.
Also everyone in my family basically saw her already, would it be selfish for me and her dad to just limit visits to him and I just so we can have our time to watch her grow etc? That's what I'm going to do but with the family I have that will be an issue too but I don't even care at this point ! 
Thanks for reading, I feel like I have nobody to speak to sometimes