Feelings hurt

I have been TTC for 7 years. Today I started my period. I always get super emotional. Partially from the normal hormones and partially because it is one more month that I didn't get pregnant. I was home alone and wanted to make myself feel better so I gave myself a mini makeover. I did more makeup than I normally do. I took a picture and wanted to put it on face book but my hair was still a mess. So I used an app to do some filtering and whatnot. I used a models hair and put it on my head. Same color similar style. I also used a filter that faded out the background and softened my face. Then I put it on face book. The first 2 comments made me cry. And not in a good way. They weren't even that bad. 1 was about the fact that the filter looked like I had no nostrils. The other said the hairstyle looked Asian (which I'm not). I commented back that they should be more careful with their words. Both were from men and I thought maybe they don't realize that I'm self conscious about my looks. But their response showed that they still saw it as a joke. I took the picture down and replaced it with the saying "if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all ". Then I get a text message from my husband. I thought it would be him checking to make sure I'm ok, but it wasn't. He said "what's up with you " when I explained his response was "Sorry I asked ". Now I know that I'm blowing it way out of proportion, but I just can't stop crying.