freaked out!!

so i had my baby 7 weeks ago and ever since ive had him and my nan and uncles (who are garden people as was my grandad but he liked butterflies more then anything my grandad died before i had my 7 yr old) came round when he was 4 days old and we had a joke conversation about birds flying into my flat well ever since its happened nearly daily ....ive had at least 2 birds actually fly in the first was when he was about a week old when midwife was here then another one about a week later (i think it was) but ive had them fly into the actual window the thuds scare me as its right beside me (birds fly off so they ok) ....ive lived here 7 and half years and no bird has ever actually flown in my place they have flown into the window with a thud but only once or twice the whole time i lived here until i had my 7 week old ....and just now while talking to someone i know a bird just flew onto the pram handle ....why am i attracting birds (of the feathered kind lol) and only since ive had my little man? lol ....