What we go thru...

🌸Jess🌸 • Mom to 3 furbabies 🔅 married to the love of my life 💕

You know that time. The time when you get your AF and 100 emotions are running ramped. "Damn! Again?" "maybe next month" "well at least she's here...don't delay my FW any more" on and on.

But that's possibly one week we're not POAS or in a cup to test O or pregnancy and we don't SS! We get that week instead to take food to the face and blame it on PMS and cry and double over in cramps. Hurry! Run to the bathroom it's time to change (your product of choice). Make sure the office can't hear the freaking (oh so discreet) wrapper. Now Lets wonder when AF is going to leave?

And now she's gone...oh get those sticks out ladies....here we go again!! 🎡 Round and round