Hormones, overreacting, or a right to be stressed?

So I have a butt load of stess happening... My husband has been acting like a teenager since I had my first son who is now a year and a half. Just found out we are pregnant again and are telling family members. Well my parents are trying to get me to leave my husband and his family is just crazy. Like I was having a hard time planning a way to tell my sister in law because she had a miscarriage two years ago and is posting about how she can't move on and stuff to this day still. Well my mother in law so nicely told my sister in law after I told her not to. So now my sister in law is all upset because I didn't tell her and is now posting that everyone needs to stop worrying about her and making this whole thing about her. On top of all that I work full time, take care of my toddler by myself when I get home because my husband is sleeping or takes off, and I do almost all the housework.