BC Pill: Nausea and "Weird" Spotting

Okay so I am 18 and have just started birth control pills for the first time last Sunday. It's the combination type. I had to be put on them because of my irregular periods (lasting around 8 days and very heavy with multiple clots and every week of my period for the past year I've missed at least one or two days because of being so horribly sick even by taking extra strength midol). I am not having sex nor have I ever had sex. I know that the combination pill can cause nausea, but it's only been a few days and I can hardly eat anything without coming close to puking it back up. I've also felt like I was going to pass out a few times from not being able to eat enough from this. I don't really if this is normal. I was warned about nausea being a side effect, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to get this bad. I haven't had any other symptoms except for spotting which ended up being another clot today?? I'm not sure if that's normal either, that's never happened to me during regular spotting before and after my periods. Any comments are welcome! I'd just really like to know if I should mention this to someone now or hope it gets better throughout the first month. Thanks!!