I lost my "best friend."

Peyton • Southern by the grace of God. ❤️
So long story short, I work at a daycare. During naptime, one of the teachers in a class will go around and socialize. Usually it's my best friend. She'll be gone in another room for up to 2 hours (entire nap time). However, this time is wasn't her. It was a co-worker who has been at the daycare for 21 years, and was talking to our boss.... My best friend got pissed. This was our convo, word for word, over text.
Her: "is ginger in there talking to Cassidy?"
Me: "idk. I can't see anyone. But I thought ginger left awhile ago."
Her: "she's been gone since 12:30. What the fuck." 
Me: "ginger gets left all the time. Anytime there's 2 people, they're gonna leave eachother during nap time."
Her: "I haven't worked all week. I worked with ginger Tuesday and she left me all nap time."
(She left her because she was in a bad mood and takes it out on everyone, even the kids, ALL the time. Our boss has warned her multiple times).
Me: "you were in a bad mood. Do you like hanging out with people who are in bad moods lol."
Her: "she doesn't even talk. But ok. I can see you're on her side 👌🏽."
Me: "so why are you so worked up about it if y'all don't even talk? I just know how you are when you're in a bad mood. I didn't say I was on anyone's side. I promise it doesn't hurt my feelings when you take it out on me. You're not gonna be able to do that during nursing."
Her: "I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do during nursing. Last time I checked, I got in all by myself 👌🏽."
(She's implying that my aunt got me in to nursing school because she works there).
Me: "ask Anna if you can act like that during nursing. Ask your mom. Ask anyone for that matter. And last time I checked, I did too 💁🏽 but the difference between me and you is that I don't bitch about every TINY thing. Get over yourself and your moods plz lol."
My boss knew she'd be moody and asked me what was going on, so I told her. She then went on to give her yet ANOTHER warning and said, "please straighten your attitude up or you'll need to put in a two weeks notice." My "friend" then went on to tell her, "Maybe I should." And walked out. So my boss told her to just go ahead and leave today.
I can't help but feel bad because I got her fired, but then again... how can you not feel bad after disrespecting SO MANY people? She's disrespected just about everyone there when something doesn't go her way and what not.
Usually I would vent to my boyfriend, but he's out of the country. So I'm venting to y'all. I just feel like somewhere in the back of her mind she's always felt that I didn't "earn" my spot in nursing school. I studied extremely hard with all A's and B's. An 86 on the HESI. And have paid my own way through school... I'd like to think I earned it myself.Sorry about the long post 😞