If I'm not ovulating then what could this be?

So my period just ended Sunday but I'm still having dizzy spells and it feels like my breasts are becoming kind of tender, idk. Anyways, all day today I've been having on & OFF cramps but not like menstrual cramps. They kind of feel like ovulation cramps except ovulation cramps usually only occur on 1 side but these cramps were in like different areas throughout the day & now I think I'm spotting light brown but idk. I'm definitely gonna take an OPK kit tomorrow but idk. This just doesn't feel or look like ovulation to me. And this isn't just "old blood returning" because I hardly ever spot after periods but the one or two times that I did, they weren't accompanied by cramps. & I've ovulated this soon before but I'm tryna tell y'all, it's followed by a lot more symptoms that I'm not having.